“Love one another. To take care of one another. To do your best to make whole that which is broken.”
Dear Friends,
Today I made chocolate chip cookies. Nothing fancy….just right off the Hershey’s chocolate chip package. I called them the Robert Allen Memorial Chocolate Chip Cookies, and they were destined to be distributed to one of the homeless camps set up in the woods inside our city. Residents of the camps were recently polled, and it seems over half were there because of broken relationships that caused them to leave where they lived to move to the woods. A pandemic is tough on relationships.
The Robert Allen Memorial Chocolate Chip Cookies needed to go there, because I am grieving over the death of my estranged brother Bob a few days ago. We never could repair what was broken, and when he died, I felt broken and sad. So I make cookies and it might take a lot more cookies. He and I once made a whole batch just to eat them raw. This is how I cope. This and a lot of conversations about generational trauma. I highly recommend the book, “It Didn’t Start with You” by Mark Wolynn. I’m finding it incredibly helpful.
I guess my message today is just this: to love one another. To take care of one another. To do your best to make whole that which is broken.
It’s Women’s History Month. On my web site you’ll find the trailer to the “Here’s to the Women!” program and a wealth of resources and products to celebrate women. On the “Back Pages” on my site, we’ve just added my old songbook, “Why Don’t You Sing in the Chorus?” with sheet music you can download. There’s a lot to explore. If you choose, you can make a donation on the Welcome page.
My heart is full of gratitude for all the ways you, my friends, have showed up in these amazing times we live in. I celebrate with you that Spring is coming.
Love who you love, and take care of each other.